Interview & Photography


I will always remember how I “discovered” NYAGOA. I was onset, I had just finished briefing my assistants on the lighting setup and was on way to the lounge to grab my first of many coffees. While waiting for the espresso machine to warm up, I fired up my IG for my morning perusal and the first image I saw was a portrait of Nyagoa. I can’t remember who shot it but after seeing her i face with it’s stunning features and incredible angles, I had to find out who she was, so tapped her tag and immediately liked a couple posts. I wanted to see more but my coffee was ready and my 1st assistant was calling me back onset to validate something or other, so that was that. Fast-forward a few hours later right before lunch, I quickly checked my emails and low and behold, I had received a message from her agent. She had seen that I’d been on her profile and with out a moment’s hesitation, wrote to me to make a proper introduction. Now this is the epitome of an incredible manager… Kudos to you Kristina (Derrick) at STRAY Mgmt, you absolutely rock! A week later, Nyagoa and I were shooting, we did this Q&A… and the rest is history!

RICHARD BERNARDIN: Nyagoa, it’s so great that we got to meet, shoot and do this quick Q&A together… Thank you so much! Ok I know time is short so can you tell me a little about yourself? Where you’re from? And where you grew up?

NYAGOA JOCK: My name is Nyagoa and I’m 23 years old who finds immense joy in the art of modeling. Beyond this passion, a significant portion of my time is devoted to working with children, a pursuit that resonates deeply with me. With a heritage rooted in South Sudan, I arrived in Canada in 2008 from Ethiopia, establishing my residence in Windsor, Ontario. During my high school years, I enthusiastically engaged in two sports, fostering a love for an active lifestyle that continues to be my favored pursuit.

Richard: Life and purpose often intersect in our personal and professional journeys. What core values drive you in your career as a fashion model, and how do they influence the choices you make in both your professional and personal life?

Nyagoa: Truly, the courage to confront anxiety head-on and make decisions, uncertain of their outcomes, is a cornerstone of my life. It permeates my career as a fashion model, where I place my faith in the journey ahead.

This mindset profoundly influences my choices, both professionally and personally, affirming my belief in myself despite any obstacles I encounter. These challenges only serve to fortify my resolve. Additionally, I cherish the ability to act spontaneously and let things unfold naturally.

Richard: Fashion photography is a powerful medium that captures emotion and tells stories. How do you perceive the role of a model in conveying narratives through the lens? And how do you infuse your personal experiences and emotions into your work?

Nyagoa: Being able to tell my story through the interplay of my eyes and movement, without the need for verbal expression or repetition, is a profound skill.

The lens captures these moments, eloquently narrating my tale in its own language. You know, they used to say that all emotions reside in the eyes, and it is through this belief that I seamlessly infuse my personal experiences and emotions into my work. In essence, I allow the world to perceive my story through the lens.

Richard: Wow, that’s so awesome. So reflecting on your career, are there specific moments or projects that have deeply resonated with you on a personal level? How have these experiences shaped your perspective on the intersection of fashion, identity, and purpose?

Nyagoa: I've had lots of meaningful moments that have touched me personally, like meeting new photographers, getting to know my agency and fellow models, and learning about everyone's backgrounds, as well as sharing their stories.

It's also incredible when a photographer, like you, captures my emotions and beauty through their lens to tell my story. These experiences have positively shaped how I see fashion, and I'm excited for many more in the future.

Richard: In an era where fashion and activism increasingly intertwine, how do you see yourself contributing to social causes through your modeling career?

Nyagoa: Kindness holds significant value; it has the power to make a lasting impact. You never truly know the battles someone might be facing, and a simple act of kindness or spreading positivity can genuinely brighten their day. Whether it's through small gestures or taking a moment to acknowledge someone, I believe these actions are fundamental in contributing to social causes throughout my modeling career. By fostering a culture of compassion, I aim to make a positive difference, one interaction at a time.

Richard: Personal style often reflects one's identity. How do you use fashion to express your individuality and inspire others to embrace their uniqueness?

Nyagoa: My style speaks for itself and conveys my personality through fashion choices, especially by selecting colors that compliment my skin tone and wearing them in a way that feels uniquely me. Letting my clothes speak for themselves not only makes a fashion statement but also boosts my confidence when I walk into a room. I believe in inspiring others to embrace their true selves through their own fashion choices, empowering them to showcase their individuality and embrace the beauty of their differences. It's not just about clothes; it's about expressing who you are and celebrating the uniqueness that sets you apart.

I hope my presence in the fashion world will inspire someone, one day, to make a difference in themselves.

- Nyagoa Jock

Richard: The concept of beauty is multifaceted. How do you hope your presence in the fashion world will redefine or expand conventional notions of beauty?

Nyagoa: In the dynamic realm of the fashion world, my aspiration goes beyond aesthetics; I hope my presence will inspire someone one day and make a difference in themselves. By embracing diversity in all its forms, I aim to challenge and broaden conventional notions of beauty, encouraging individuals to recognize and celebrate their unique qualities. Ultimately, I envision my impact fostering a more inclusive and accepting narrative within the industry.

Richard: Looking towards the future, what aspirations do you hold for your career, and what legacy do you hope to leave for aspiring Black models following in your footsteps?

Nyagoa: My career aspiration is to travel the world, modeling in both large and small countries, with the goal of motivating young girls, much like myself, to persist in pursuing their life aspirations. The legacy I aim to create for aspiring black models who may follow my path is to instill in them the knowledge that their beauty is unique and multifaceted. Furthermore, I aspire for them to recognize their intrinsic worth, understanding that they hold immense value in this world beyond the confines of the modeling industry.

The legacy I hope to leave for aspiring black models following in my footsteps is for them to know that they are beautiful in their own ways

- Nyagoa Jock

This edition of RLVNT was shot in Montreal, Canada.


Photography: Richard Bernardin

Muse: Nyagoa Jock @ STRAY Mgmt

Photo Assistance: Alexander Karlov

And SPECIAL THANKS to ZARA for the styling and to STUDIO BERCOT for graciously hosting this shoot in their beautiful Montreal studio.


Q&A - Numero V


Numero III